
Coming out swinging on a Monday morning

OK, so it's not really morning anymore, but I started writing this earlier today, so cut me some slack.

I've wanted to make an abortion post for a while now, but haven't quite found the energy. Arguing about this subject, especially, can take quite a bit out of you, but there are two items in the news I've wanted to address lately.

CNN recently reported a dramatic drop in support for abortion rights, but I'm not terribly concerned about it. Why? First of all, I want to know: how many people participated in this poll? And what was the demographic makeup of the respondents? Also, where did they get this sample? Furthermore, I would like to know exactly how they worded these questions because the wording of a question can make a big difference in the answer you get.

I would also like to point out that people who simply identify as "pro-life" aren't necessarily likely to support all-out criminalization of abortion. I've encountered plenty of people who will say something along the lines of, "Well, I'm pro-life for myself, but I don't think it should be illegal." The number of people who actually support banning abortion under all circumstances is still pretty low. If I remember correctly, it's about 23 percent.

In my opinion, that "pro-life for myself, but it should still be legal" viewpoint is A-OK. It may not be consistent with the "pro-life" ethic, but I don't concern myself too much with that. I don't care what opinions people hold or what decisions they make for themselves. What's important to me is that abortion remain legal, under most circumstances, because the alternative is kind of scary.

And speaking of the alternative, MSNBC recently reported that almost half the abortions performed worldwide are unsafe, and furthermore, that most of those unsafe abortions are occurring in countries with the least access to contraceptives and abortion services.

File this under "Why I'm pro-choice."

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