Are you aware of this? Everybody Draw Mohammed day was initiated in response to the death threats that South Park creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker received after airing an episode that purportedly showed the Muslim prophet Mohammed. The Muslim religion apparently forbids depictions of their prophet, and well, we all know how extremists get sometimes...
Well, Comedy Central censored the second part of the episode in question, which, in my humble opinion, is complete bullshit. I respect all people equally, regardless of faith, race, sexual orientation, or any other silly arbitrary qualities. (That is, of course, until they do something individually to piss me off, but let's not talk about Sarah Palin anymore). But I also think that hack job Comedy Central did on South Park amounts to nothing more than cowardly self-censorship.
Yes, some people used EDM Day as an excuse to be racist piles of shit, but there should be no prohibition on poking fun at religious differences among people and certainly no prohibition (self-imposed or otherwise) on simply depicting a religious figure. (And by the way, anybody who watched the South Park episode in question would know that they also depicted Buddha snorting cocaine, which is way more blasphemous than just showing a cartoon Mohammed.)
And I firmly believe that we must push those boundaries, push those envelopes. Nothing must be so sacred that we are willing to kill for it. I also believe in laughter. I think we should all be able to occasionally laugh at the differences amongst us. It keeps us human, keeps us humble. And if you can't laugh, you might cry; which would you rather do?
So with that, I'd like you to have a look at the little cartoon Mohammed guy in this post. I have little artistic ability, but my wonderfully talented boyfriend Dave has it in spades. He whipped up this little guy yesterday for Everybody Draw Mohammed day. Pretty obviously unoffensive, I'd say.
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