Everyone loves a story about underwear-clad criminals, right?
Some West Hartford-related creepiness...
And finally, a story about a Meriden nail salon owner who was ordered to stop doing tattoo removals. Why, you may ask? Because she didn't have a medical license!!! See, in order to laser into people's skin, you apparently need to have some kind of medical credentials. Crazy, right?
What really kills me, though, is this part:
In April, a woman went to Nailtique to have a tattoo removed from her left ring finger, she wrote in a complaint filed with the state health department. Afterward, her hand hurt and swelled. Three days later, she was admitted to the hospital overnight and given antibiotics and pain medication. The woman wrote that she had third-degree burns and had seen surgeons because she was unable to close her hand completely.You thought that a tattoo removal offered for $100 in a nail salon in the mall was legitimate??? Yeah, the lady definitely shouldn't have been doing tattoo removals, but I also don't think it constitutes victim-blaming to suggest that perhaps this complainant was a bit of a dumbass herself."I now have complaints regarding the quality of care and question whether or not this establishment is licensed to perform this procedure and whether or not they should be doing this in the Meriden mall," the woman wrote.
Ahh... I love my home state...
What about the guy who beat his wife and kids to death? That was a good one, too.