When I heard the other day that conservative blowhard Rush Limbaugh was hospitalized in Hawaii with chest pains, the jokes came way too easily.
"He had a nasty fall after tripping over his own ego."
"He was on his own personal fact-finding mission to Hawaii, and when he finally saw Obama's birth certificate, he had a heart attack."
No, I didn't wish for his death. I did, however, wish for his doctor to be a gay, black woman who volunteers for Planned Parenthood and ACORN in her spare time. At the very least, I hoped that he might "see the light" and have some kind of revelation about being a decent person, but alas, that never happened.
When Rush was released, he issued this very predictable statement: "The treatment I received here wa$ the be$t that the world ha$ to offer. ... I don't think there'$ one thing wrong with the American health care $y$tem. It i$ working ju$t fine."
You missed the point, Rush. Yes, I agree: America does have some very fine doctors and hospitals and medical technologies ... if you can afford them! The problem with our health care is not necessarily quality of care, but rather access to care.
Apparently, tests showed nothing was wrong with his heart, except, as my friend Mr. Dan pointed out, being 100 sizes too small. Time to let that hate start sitting on your chest again, eh, Rush??
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